Chinese Version
Activities & Achievements 2023/2024
K-pop random dance show
C.C.C. Heep Woh Primary School Maker Faire
Visit HKDI Earn and Learn Day 職學專才日
"Zero Carbon Carnival - Embracing Carbon Neutralization"

BOCHK Beach Volleyball Cup 2023-2024

Lunar New Year Fair 2024

Inter-school Basketball Competition


Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prize 2023/24
Student Health Captain Award Scheme 2024




PolyU SCIENCE Young Talents Competition



BBSS Leadership Training Camp 2023/2024

"Spread the Love, Care and Shine" Campaign
「銘記歷史 珍愛和平」南京大屠殺86周年學生悼念活動
The 9th Distinguished Student Leaders Election

International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2023


Agar Art Contest 2023 (Hong Kong Region)
Inter School Badminton Competition 2023/2024
Inter School Cross Country Competition 2023/2024
QES Agar Art Contest
S1 Information Day
Hong Kong Palace Museum Flagship Student Programme

International Junior Science Olympiad 2024 – Hong Kong Screening

Faraday Challenge Day 2023

Inter School Swimming Competition 2023/2024
Division 3 Kowloon 1

International Coastal Cleanup Hong Kong 2023
The 25th Student Union

Master Code 2022/23: AI Challenge – Weather Forecasting Competition Prize Giving Ceremony

[CUHKMed]  CUHK White Coat Inauguration Ceremony for Medical Freshmen, 2023

CityU Science Video Competition
Activities & Achievements 2022/2023
The 53rd International Physics Olympiad
Robomaster Competition 2023
The 14th Kowloon Regional Outstanding Students Election
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Prize
Sir Edward Youde Memorial Medal 2022
The 23rd Asian Physics Olympiad - Mongolia 2023
International Junior Science Olympiad 2022
CYLF Talent Development Scholaship
The 8th Distinguished Student Leaders Election

Prefect Training Camp 2022/10/08
The CUHK White Coat Inauguration Ceremony for Medical Freshmen, 2022.

[HKUMed] September 18 MBBS White Coat Ceremony[HKUMed] September 18 MBBS White Coat Ceremony

SU Inauguration 2022/2023
Activities & Achievements 2021/2022
The 10th Inter-school Competition of Project Learning on Hong Kong's History and Culture
S3 Outdoor Learning Day - Ping Shan Heritage Trail
Hong Kong Biology Literacy Award 2021-2022
International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2021
Build Your Career - Youth Start-up Programme
CUHK Health Exhibition Presentation Competition
The 13th Kowloon Regional Outstanding Students Election
S2 Outdoor Learning Day
SOW Creative Writing Competition (Junior Secondary Division)
S1 & S2 English Poem Writing Competition 2020/2021
The Chinese University of Hong Kong White Coat Inauguration Ceremony for Medical Freshmen 2021
Activities & Achievements 2020/2021
“Making Strides Toward Health” Essay Competition
STEM Fun Day 2021
21st Century Cup – National English Speaking Competition (Hong Kong Region)
‘Time to Talk’ Public Speaking Competition 20/21 (Final)

Hong Kong Tech Challenge - VEX IQ Robotics Challenge 2020

“WATER ECO-LAB ON-THE-GO @ community” mobile learning program

Aviation STEM Experience Workshop
International Biology Olympiad – Hong Kong Contest 2020

S1 & S2 English Poem Writing Competition 2020/2021
English Department

The 22nd Student Union Annual General Meeting cum Election Forum
Cyberport and Amazon Web Services (AWS) organized the Cyberport and AWS Educate Cloud Career Pathways Programme Competition 2020
The Chinese University of Hong Kong White Coat Inauguration Ceremony for Medical Freshmen 2020

The Prize Presentation of the Social Innovation • Community 4.0 Competition organised by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Activities & Achievements 2019/2020
Prefect Training Camp

The Chinese University of Hong Kong White Coat Inauguration Ceremony for Medical Freshmen 2019

Create Your Own District Competition 2019
The 11th Kowloon Regional Outstanding Students Election

Activities & Achievements 2018/2019