S.1 Admission for 2025/2026

2025/2026 學年中一入學申請

Application form for S.1 Places for 2025/2026
2025/2026 學年中一學位申請表格
Schedule of Application for S.1 Places for 2025/2026
2025/2026 學年中一學位申請日程
S1 Admission FAQs
S1 Admission Information English
中一入學資訊 中文版
QES School Profile (2023/2024)
伊中學校概覽 (2023/2024)
Personal Data Collection Statement 個人資料收集聲明

The personal data provided through this application will only be used for the admission process this year. The data may be disclosed to the Education Bureau authorized to process personal data for allocation / placement and other education-related purposes. The data will be completely destroyed 3 months after the release of the allocation results. The applicant is responsible for providing correct and up-to-date information to the School. In case of any changes to the information in the application forms, the applicant must contact the School as soon as possible.
The applicant has a right under Section 18 and 22 of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap 486) to request access to and correction of personal data.For access to and correction of personal data submitted, please contact the School Administrative Executive Ms CHENG through email qes@edb.gov.hk.

根據〈個人資料(私隱)條例〉(第486章)的第18條和22條,申請人有權查閱和修正他們的個人資料。如需查閱或修正已提交的個人資料,請透過電郵 qes@edb.gov.hk 通知學校行政事務主任鄭小姐。